Advertising in our online magazine Out on the Couch offers a unique opportunity to target LGBTQIA+, consensual non-monogamous and kink communities. We will be offering flat rate advertising and will have discounts for pre-paying for multiple months.
Advertisements will be matched up with the key demographics of an article as best as possible. For example, an advertisement for a company that sells packers, binders, and other products specific to transgender men will be paired with an article about transgender men, or articles about substance abuse in the gay male community could have advertisements for recovery facilities that offer specific services for gay men. Each article will only have two potential spots for advertising – a headline banner and a footer banner – to maximize visibility of the ads and create a user-friendly interface for the readers. Our articles will be shared online via social media platforms in order to maximize reach.
As part of our 1% pledge, discounts for nonprofits who provide services directly to LGBTQIA+, consensual non-monogamous and kink clients will be offered. If you are interested in learning more, contact us.