Toolbox for working with TGNB Kids and Adolescents
Presenter: Caroline Hippler, MS, LCPC, NCC
Recorded Webinar
3 CEs
This training aims to provide clinicians working with transgender, nonbinary, gender queer and gender nonconforming children and adolescents with specific activities and strategies for providing that support and addressing common clinical concerns of these populations.
Affirmative Supervision: Becoming Deliberately Developmental
Presenter: Cadyn Cathers, PsyD, MBA
Recorded Homestudy
6 CEs
This course fulfills the 6 hour CE requirement for all clinical supervisors in California. Check your board’s requirements to confirm APA CEs qualify for your state and license.
Supporting LGBTQIA+ Clients Living with Psychosis
Presented by Nicole Melissa Morin, LCSW
Recorded Webinar
4 CEs
After an introduction of LGBTQIA+ identity development at the intersection of severe mental illness, we will review a basic understanding of the spectrum of psychosis and basic neurobiology of psychosis.
Working with Parents of Transgender Youth
Presenter: Melissa Dellens, MA
Recorded Webinar
3 CEs
This course will utilize community psychology, family systems theory, and psychodynamic approaches to consider how affirmative clinicians can support parents to reduce stress and make more mindful decisions for their children.
Ethical Implications of Informed Consent for Mental Health Professionals
Presenter: Cadyn Cathers, PsyD
Recorded Homestudy
4 CEs
This course will support mental health professionals to both assess for capacity to consent, and to work with transgender and nonbinary (TGNB) clients to address any mental health considerations that may impact the ability to provide consent prior to initiation of GAMST (gender affirming medical and/or surgical treatment).
WPATH Standards of Care 8 – Mental Health & Adolescents
Presenter: Melissa Dellens, MA
Recorded Webinar
3 CEs
This course is designed to provide clinical guidance for healthcare professionals assisting transgender and gender diverse teens to achieve better health and psychological well being,
From Gender Dysphoria to Gender Euphoria
Presenter: Cadyn Cathers, PsyD
Recorded Webinar
3 CEs
This course will discuss the wide range of interventions to address the various subtypes of gender dysphoria and how psychotherapists can help transgender or nonbinary clients move from gender dysphoria to euphoria personally, relationally, and socially.
Clinical Approaches to Centering Trans Sexual Pleasure
Presenter: Damon Constantinides, PhD, LCSW
Recorded Webinar
2 CEs
Sexuality and sexual pleasure are important parts of transgender and non-binary client’s lives. Providing holistic mental health care includes conversations about sexual health, sexual identity, sexual behavior, and bodies.
Psychodynamic Therapy with Transgender & Nonbinary Teenagers
Presenter: Melissa Dellens, MA
Recorded Webinar
3 CEs
Working with teenagers and their families can be complicated by conflicts of coming out and making sense of diverse gender identities. Object relations theories can help contain and make meaning of family and individual stressors related to coming out and identity development.
Suicide Prevention in LGBTQIA+ Clients
Presenter: Cadyn Cathers, PsyD
Recorded Webinar
6 CEs
Suicide is one of the leading causes of death in the United States, but suicide rates vary by sexuality, gender, age, race/ethnicity, and a number of other factors. For example, LGBTQIA+ youth have higher rates of suicidal thoughts and behaviors than their cisgender heterosexual counterparts.
WPATH Standards of Care 8 for Mental Health Professionals
Presenter: Cadyn Cathers, PsyD
Recorded Webinar
2 CEs
The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) is an interdisciplinary professional organization which promotes evidenced-based care, education, research, and public policy related to transgender health. WPATH has been publishing standards of care since 1979 and published the latest version (SOC-8) in Fall 2022.
Fundamentals of LGBTQIA+ Affirmative Therapy
Presenter: Cadyn Cathers, PsyD
2 CEs
Recorded Webinar
While many clinicians consider themselves LGBTQIA+-friendly, well-intentioned clinicians can create inadvertent harm without proper training in LGBTQIA+ affirmative psychotherapy.
Gender Minority Stress in Adolescence
Presenter: Melissa Dellens, MA, AMFT
6 CEs
Recorded Webinar
Gender dysphoria in teenagers can be complicated by unaccepting parents and family, lack of access to affirming medical care, and anxieties about the cultural and political conversations directed toward transgender and nonbinary (TGNB) identities.
LGBTQIA+ Addictions
Presenter: Asher Hung, MA, AMFT
6 CEs
Recorded Webinar
LGBTQIA+ addiction is disproportionately prevalent and unique from endosex-hetero-cisgender addictions. Destructive behaviors in the LGBTQIA+ population range from alcohol and substance abuse to disordered eating, sex/love/abuse/porn addiction, and even high-risk or criminal behaviors.
Affirmative Care for LGBTQ+ Older Adults
Presenter: Teresa M. Theophano, LCSW
1.5 CEs
Recorded Webinar
How do principles of healthy aging as well as SOGI- (sexual orientation and gender identity) related historical trauma impact LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer) older people? As the US population ages, it is vital for therapists to learn about current best practices in affirmative mental health care for LGBTQ+ older adults.
LGBTQ Health
Presenter: Chase Cates, DO MPH
2 CEs
Recorded Webinar
Routine and preventative medical care is essential to good health. The ability for mental health providers to rule out any medical concerns early in treatment allows for more accurate mental health diagnoses. LGBTQ+ people delay and avoid medical health care at higher rates than their cisgender and heterosexual counterparts due to medical discrimination, access to medical insurance, and stigma in the community based on hearing about another person’s negative experience.
Shame Resilience and Trans Liberation
Presenter: addyson tucker, PsyD
2 CEs
Recorded Webinar
Trans-negative messages can feel like an emotional roller coaster from one loop of trans people being non-existent to the other of them being ‘not trans enough’ unless they fill certain stereotypes and ideals. Participants will learn ways to support their two-spirit /transgender /nonbinary (2STGNB) clients to develop self-compassion & shame resilience through a lens of trans/gender liberation (Singh, 2016) and radical healing (French et al., 2019).
Working Alliance with Transgender and Gender Nonbinary Clients
Presenter: Cadyn Cathers, PsyD
2 CEs
Recorded Webinar
Transgender and nonbinary people seek out therapy at higher rates than cisgender people, but frequently report that they struggle to find an affirmative therapist (Singh & dickey, 2017). The working alliance, also called the therapeutic alliance, is one of the most important factors in predicting positive therapeutic outcomes (Krause et al., 2011).
Spiritual Resilience with Christian LGBT Clients
Presenter: Melissa Dellens, MA, AMFT
3 CEs
Recorded Webinar
Nearly half of LGBT adults in the United States are religious, of which approximately three million identify as Protestant or Catholic (Williams Institute, 2020). Many LGBT youth raised with conservative religious face higher rates of emotional, physical, and sexual abuse than their cisgender and heterosexual peers (Gibbs & Goldbach, 2015). Cultural conflicts between sexuality, gender, and religion are deep, and create profound conflicts for religious people in gender and sexuality expansive communities.
Psychological Preparation for Medical Transition
Presenter: Cadyn Cathers, PsyD
12 CEs
Recorded Webinar
Transition is a process by which transgender and gender non-binary (TGNB) people align their gender expression in social, legal, and bodily dimensions to gain gender congruence. Medical transition can include hormones, medical procedures, and/or surgical interventions.
Identity Development around Sexuality, Gender, and Relationships
Cadyn Cathers, PsyD
5 CEs
Recorded Webinar
Identity formation is a key developmental process for all individuals, but has special significance to those developing LGBTQIA+, consensually non-monogamous (CNM), or kink identities. A lack of coherent identity can impact a person’s relationships, mood, and occupation in a variety of ways.