Giving Back
Our 1% Pledge
The Affirmative Couch, LLC believes in assisting nonprofits that support LGBTQIA+, consensual non-monogamous and/or kink mental health. We have taken the 1% Pledge to donate 1% in the form of our profits, services and products to organizations that support mental health needs in sexual, gender, and relationship expansive communities.
Pledge of Profits
Regularly, we pick a different nonprofit to support in order to increase the visibility of the wide range of organizations doing amazing work! This quarter is The Los Angeles Institute and Society for Psychoanalytic Studies (LAISPS) LAISPS is committed to furthering the mental health and economic well-being of its local community, and offers psychoanalytic training and psychological services to help with social problems and the psychological needs of the community at large. In support of LAISPS effort to build an enduring Diversities Scholarship fund to assist with offering psychoanalytic education for clinicians working in marginalized communities, please consider a donation to their efforts.
Pledge of Products
- Supporting Psychotherapists in Non-Profits The Affirmative Couch, LLC understands that working at a nonprofit usually means that there are fewer funds within the organization, and salaries are often not as high as working for a for-profit or in private practice. The Affirmative Couch, LLC will offer discounted prices to psychotherapists working in nonprofits that specialize in working with sexual, gender, and relationship expansive communities to ensure that all their mental health staff have competence in working with these communities. For more information about this discount, please contact us.
- Supporting Non-Profits The Affirmative Couch, LLC appreciates that advertising budgets for nonprofits that are providing services to the LGBTQIA+, consensually nonmonogamous, or kink communities often may not be particularly large. However, it is important for community members to learn about services that are available for their communities. The Affirmative Couch, LLC offers discounted advertising for nonprofit organizations that support sexual, gender, and relationship expansive communities. For more information about this discount, please contact us.