5 Black Feminist Thinkers For Your Reading List
Feminism is a dynamic and expansive movement that goes far beyond the experiences of cis white women. It reaches into the complex and intersecting realities of those most socially and politically marginalized. Black feminist thinkers have long been at the forefront of this work, challenging limited notions of inclusivity and advocating for a decolonized, [...]
Build Community in Group Therapy with LGBTQIA+ Individuals
Group therapy isn’t just sitting in a circle and taking turns talking—it’s about working to build a community where individuals can learn, heal, and grow together. For sexuality-, gender-, and relationship-expansive individuals, this form of therapy can be transformative. It provides a safe space where participants connect with others who truly understand their experiences and [...]
Navigating a Gender Dysphoria Diagnosis with Affirmative Care
Ask Us Anything
Our Ask Us Anything Series is a place where you can ask general questions about clinical work with LGBTQIA+, consensually non-monogamous, and kinky clients without fear of being attacked or judged. This is not a replacement for consultation, which we recommend for complex clinical work. Make sure that any questions you ask [...]
Managing Political Stress and Mental Health
In a 2019 study, nearly 40 percent of Americans reported that politics had a profound negative impact on their mental health. This number seems to have only increased leading up to the 2020 presidential election, among all political affiliations. What’s more, a 2023 study published by the American Psychological Association suggests that [...]
Inclusivity, Intersectionality, and Feminist Therapy
Anyone who tries to define feminism will quickly realize why there is no agreed upon definition that can stand across eras and geographies. Feminism exists as a form of critique, creation, advocacy, identity and much more, all depending on who you ask and when. As Feminist Therapists, we face the essential task of developing an [...]
A Polyamory Retrospective
Are you a polyamory-affirming therapist?
Ethical non-monogamy is a popular topic; especially in the form of loving, committed open relationships like polyamory.
Is it possible to be consensually, respectfully non-monogamous without ruining intimate relationships?
What if a client is exploring opening up an existing relationship, or even a marriage?
And, perhaps the most common question [...]
4 Things to Know about Polyamory Before Talking to Your Clients
Polyamory and Ethical non-monogamy (ENM) are both terms to describe relationships that form outside of traditional monogamous relationship patterns. Many poly individuals experience psychological distress due to any number of factors. Examples can include marginalization, pressures to keep relationships secret, and pathologization in medical contexts. There are many myths about polyamory that it’s important to [...]
Affirmative Therapy & Celebrating Stonewall
Stonewall as a Symbol
The Stonewall Riot was not the result of a single night of activism. June 28, 1969 was the culmination of years of oppression and resistance across the nation. This event was the culmination of years of targeted raids on businesses openly welcoming trans and queer clientele, and queer and trans business [...]
New Year, New You? Affirmative Therapy and New Year’s Resolutions
New Year’s Resolutions are one of the hallmarks of January—gyms are crowded, journals purchased, fresh fruits and veggies prepared, dating apps installed, and long-delayed medical appointments finally scheduled. What does this mean for therapy?
Therapists can be inundated with new appointment requests and lapsed clients re-starting therapy, but they may also be wary of the [...]
Holistic Psychology and Yoga with LGBQTIA+ Youth
LGBTQIA+ youth have a higher susceptibility to developing mental health disorders than people not in this group, along with a higher rate of body dysmorphia and gender dysphoria (Huerta, 2019). Struggles with body image can complicate symptoms and treatment. These higher risks are related to discrimination and mistreatment at home and in society (Trevor Project, [...]
Conflicts with Colleagues in Clinics and Group Practice Settings
We’ve written previously about how to handle conflict in therapy—but what about when you are experiencing conflict within your clinic, from a peer or supervisor? Conflicts with colleagues, particularly surrounding identity, can impact an entire community if left unresolved for too long. It can also affect the reputation of your practice, or leave you [...]
Traumatic Invalidation and its Impact on LGBTQIA+ Clients
Traumatic invalidation carries significant implications for therapists working with LGBTQIA+ clients. It is crucial to understand what traumatic invalidation is, its discernible effects on LGBTQIA+ people, and how society contributes to an invalidating environment for historically marginalized communities. For mental health professionals, understanding and addressing traumatic invalidation within the context of working with LGBTQIA+ communities [...]
Affirmative Psychoeducation for Autism Self-Diagnosis
A Rise in Self-Diagnosis
Some DSM-trained clinicians may bristle when a patient identifies with a mental health diagnosis they have come to informally. In recent months, a common concern voiced in supervision and among mental health providers is the increase in patients and clients questioning if they embody characteristics of Autism.
Self-reflection is arguably a [...]
Affirmation, Exploration, and Informed Consent
Gender Dysphoria disproportionately affects transgender and nonbinary (TGNB) communities, and can impact mental health in many ways. For many TGNB individuals, affirmative therapists offer a space—perhaps the first space—to pursue therapy that accepts them for who they are. One of the key elements of affirmative therapy is combining affirmation with exploration, but always in the [...]
5 Supervisor “Green Flags”
As an associate or pre-licensed therapist within the LGBTQIA+ community, you will find that identifying a clinical supervisor who is supportive of your unique needs and identities is essential for professional growth and wellbeing. The supervisory relationship plays a crucial role in shaping therapist development, client outcomes, and supervisee wellness (Burkard et al., 2009). To [...]
6 Things For (Cis) Therapists to Know About Gender Euphoria
You’ve probably heard or read about gender dysphoria, but how much do you know about gender euphoria? Chances are good that you’ve talked about it with some of your clients. But if you’re relying on a few anecdotes or basic information, you may be missing out on the big picture. We want to share some [...]
The Courage to Care for the Transitioning Self
How It Begins
Any life transition is hard. The human condition is a complicated one at best. It is riddled with pain, sorrow, confusion, darkness, and the unknown. However, that also comes with the gift of growth, beauty, love, happiness, peace and of course courage to live the life each of us deserves. As these [...]
5 Tips for Affirmative Therapists During Autism Acceptance Month
As you may know, April is Autism Acceptance Month. As knowledge of autism continues to grow and change with every year—and there are a greater number of adults who know that they are autistic—we wanted to highlight a few things that can help affirmative therapists work with their autistic clients.
Avoid Using Functioning Labels
[...]3 Trauma-Informed Alternatives to Positive Affirmations
Whether in therapy, in self-help books, or in broader discourse about mental wellness on social media, there is a lot of discussion about positive affirmations. In general, the idea behind positive affirmations is to “train” the brain to look for opportunity and growth rather than perseverating on failure and stagnation. But are positive affirmations for [...]
Kink Affirmative Therapy: Perceptions of Power
When practicing kink affirmative therapy, it is important as a clinician to understand the inherent dynamics that play into working with clients who are a part of the Bondage and Discipline, Dominance, and Submission, Sadism and Masochism (BDSM) community. Over 40 percent of the United States population has fantasies about or has engaged in BDSM [...]
Gottman’s Four Horsemen in a Polyamorous Context
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse is a metaphor originally put forth by Dr. John Gottman, a prevalent relationship researcher. Dr. Gottman used this description for four forms of negative communication patterns (criticism, contempt, defensiveness, and stonewalling) because they will often, and very effectively, end a relationship (Gottman & Silver, 2015). While this research was [...]